In Sumy State University, work is underway to build a unified integrated information system. In the process of these works, significant attention is paid to researching and systematically analyzing the university’s activities with the aim of constructing its functional and informational model, improving and formalizing business processes, as well as developing organizational and methodical recommendations to the rector to address the problems identified during the research.

As part of the construction of a unified integrated information system, five main automated systems have been developed, implemented, and continue to improve, which are integrated around the web system and with each other:

  • Information-analytical system “University” provides information-analytical support for the management processes of educational, scientific, and other activities of the university. The system consists of consolidated subsystems: “Applicant,” “Student,” “Education,” “Personnel,” “Finance,” “Documents,” which provide university staff with the appropriate tools for effective performance of professional functions.
  • Information-library system provides support for the management processes of the library’s activities and gives students, teachers, and researchers access to information materials, educational and scientific publications, etc. The system is integrated with information retrieval systems, both international and national.
  • Electronic learning management system supports the learning process. The system allows organizing operational interactive interaction between teachers and students, and their work with educational and methodological materials, simulators, etc.
  • Testing information system supports the process of testing the knowledge of applicants and students. The system automates the process of conducting control events in the form of various tests and allows accumulating and storing test tasks.
  • Electronic document management system provides support for functions of storing and timely delivering electronic documents and other informational messages to all interested structural units of the university. The system has formed a register of internal and external normative base, access to which is possible through the official website of the university.
  • University web system, the central element of which is the main website, ensures the formation of a holistic positive image of Sumy State University in the country and the world, allowing the free dissemination of information about all types of its activities. In the integrated information system, the web system acts as an integrating component, allowing the creation of a unified information space of the university. Integration is carried out at the level of organizing centralized classifiers and catalogs, as well as at the level of various information services that provide information from various information systems and its concentration in one place.

Only thanks to the close integration of all information systems of the university, the greatest effect of their use is achieved.

Today, the effective functioning of Sumy State University, raising its rating in the country and the world, is possible only through the use of a unified integrated information system to support educational, scientific, and other types of activities.